We characterize the current culture and identify the desired culture of your company as well as leadership styles, aligning organizational Values with corporate strategy.

Implementación de Proyectos de Transformación Cultural
Caracterización de la Cultura Organizacional
Caracterización de Estilos de Liderazgo
Caracterización de Valores Individuales
Caracterización de la Cultura de Equipos

Implementation of Cultural Transformation Projects

Characterization of Organizational Culture

Characterization of Leadership Styles

Characterization of Individual Values

Characterization of Team Culture

Caracterización de la Compatibilidad Cultural-Fusiones
Evaluación Nacional de Valores
ODS – Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible – ONU
Evaluación de Valores en Instituciones Educativas

Characterization of Cultural Compatibility-Mergers

National Assessment of Values

Evaluation of Values in Educational Institutions

SDG – Sustainable Development Goals

At Evolution Change we belong to the Barrett Values Centre Global Community of Consultants (www.valuescentre.com) made up of Consultants, Coaches and Facilitators from 109 countries who use the Barrett ® Model for the development of Leaders and Organizations driven by values.

Barrett Values Centre’s Cultural Transformation Tools are the most detailed and comprehensive cultural diagnostics available on the market.



Modelo Barrett



Modelo Barrett Liderazgo